மார்ச் 2025 மாத ஊதியப் பட்டியல் சமர்ப்பித்தல் தொடர்பாக சில அறிவுரைகள்
IFHRMS - March-2025 Bills submission- certain Instructions - communicated
>>> தரவிறக்கம் செய்ய இங்கே சொடுக்கவும்...
Rc No.1329933/IFHRMS/2025
Dated: /03/2025
Pay and Accounts Office (South),
Chennai -35.
Pay and Accounts Office (South)-IFHRMS - March-2025 Bills submission- certain Instructions - communicated - Reg.
1) Directorate of Treasuries and Accounts Department, video conference Dated: 06.03.2025.
With reference to the instruction given by the Directorate cited above, the DDOs are kindly requested to strictly adhere to the following schedule for the submission of Non Salary bills pertaining to Financial year 2024-2025 and Salary bills for the month of March-2025.
RE Non salary bills last date 21/03/2025
FMA Non salary bills last date 25/03/2025
Payment advice bill last time for batch 28/03/2025@1pm
Proposed Last working day 28/03/2025 5.45pm
Payroll run for March-2025 - 09/03/2025
Settlement date of March-2025 Salary 02/04/2025
Last date for march-2025 salary bill submission 24/03/2025
Pay and Accounts Otficer,
Pay and Accounts Office(South),
Chennai -35.
//Forwarded by Order//
Assitant Pay and Accounts Officer