

Retirement / death before completion of one year may be granted a pay increment on the first day of the quarter - Ordinances G.O.s& Govt Explanatory Letter


ஓராண்டு நிறைவு செய்வதற்கு முன் ஓய்வு / இறப்பு நிகழ்ந்தாலும் அந்த காலாண்டிற்கு முதல் நாளில் ஓர் ஊதிய உயர்வு வழங்கலாம் - அரசாணைகள் & அரசு விளக்கக் கடிதம் தொகுப்பு

Retirement / death before completion of one year may be granted a pay increment on the first day of the quarter - Ordinances G.O.s& Govt Explanatory Letter 

Retirment Date -க்கும் Increment Date -க்கும் இடையில் காலாண்டு  (மூன்று மாதம்) இருப்பின் ஓர் ஊதிய உயர்வு வழங்க அனுமதிக்கும் அரசாணை

குழுக்களில் அந்த அரசாணை எண் 148 P & AR Department, Dated: 31.10.2018 தவறாக புரிந்து கொள்ளப்பட்டுள்ளது...

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ஓராண்டு நிறைவு செய்வதற்கு முன் ஓய்வு / இறப்பு நிகழ்ந்தாலும் அந்த காலாண்டிற்கு முதல் நாளில் ஓர் ஊதிய உயர்வு வழங்கலாம்.

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அதே போல்

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>>> தரவிறக்கம் செய்ய இங்கே சொடுக்கவும்...



Head Master,

GHSS, M.Subbulapuram,

Madurai - Dt




Fundamental Rules - Sanction of increment on the first day of a quarter eventhough a Goverment Servant expires prior to the actual date of accrual of increment - Amendment to rulings 13 (ix) under FR 26 (a)- Issued.

G.O.(Ms)No.148, Dated : 31.10.2018


G.O.Ms.No.41, Finance (FR-I) Department, dated 11.01.1977


The following amendment is issued to the Ruling under the Fundamental


2.The amendment hereby made shall come into force on the date of issue of order.

In the said Fundamental Rules, under rule 26(a), in ruling (13), for paragraph(ix), the following paragraph shall be substituted, namely:-

"(ix)The increment of a Government servant which falls due in a quarter may be sanctioned on the first day of that quarter eventhough he retires from services or expires prior to the actual date of accrual of increment".





Personnel and Administrative Reforms (FR-I) Department,Secretariat, Chennai-600 009.

Letter No.784/FR-l/2019 - 1, dated 04.03.2019


Tmt.S. Swarna, I.A.S.,

Secretary to Government.


All Secretaries to Government, Chennai -600 009.

All Departments of Secretariat, Chennai-600 009.

All Heads of Departments including

District Collectors / District Judges, Chennai -600 003.

The Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission,

The Accountant General (I/I), Chennai-600018.

The Accountant General, Chennai -600 009/35.

The Director of Treasuries & Accounts, Chennai -600 035

The Pay and Accounts Officer, Secretariat, Chennai - 600 009.

The Pay and Accounts Officer(North/East/South), Chennai - 1/8/35.

The Registrar, High Court, Chennai-600 104.


Sub: Fundamental Rules - Rulings 13 (ix) under Fundamental Rules 26 (a) as amended in G.O.Ms.No.148, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (FR-II)'Department,dated 31.10.2018 - Clarification - Issued.


G.O.Ms.No.148, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (FR-l) Department, dated 31.10.2018.

In the Government Order cited, amendment has been issued to ruling 13 (ix) under Fundamental Rules 26 (a) that the increment of a Government Servant which falls due in a quarter may be sanctioned on the first day of that quarter even though he retires from services or expires prior to the actual date of accrual of increment.

Government Order cited above:-

2) In this connection, the following Clarification is issued to the The above ruling 13 (ix) is applicable only for the Govemment Servants who have been promoted on the verge of their retirement. As per this ruling 13 (ix) of Fundamental Rules 26(a), increment of a Government Servant which falls in a particular quarter may be advanced to the first day of that quarter even though he has not completed one year of qualifying service and retires / expires from service in the said quarter and not in the earlier quarter.


Date of Promotion / appointment to higher post : 14-06-2015

First day of quarter of next annual increment : 01-04-2016

Date of completion of one year qualifying service : 14-06-2016

Date of superannuation / death : 30-04-2016

In the above said case, the individual has not completed one year qualifying service in the higher post and retired from service on 30.04.2016 due to superannuation / expired, as the case may be. However, he retired from the service I expired in the quarter in which the annual increment due falls. Hence, the annual increment is to be advanced to the first day of the quarter and sanctioned to the individual if he, otherwise, satisfies the provisions in Fundamental Rules 26.

3. I am, therefore, to request you to take action to eligible cases, as detailed above.

Yours faithfully,

for Secretary to Government



Tamil Nadu Revised Scales of Pay Rules. 2009 - Grant of notional increment to Government Servants who retires on superannuation on the preceding day of increment due dale -- Orders - Issued.


G.O.Ms.No.311, Dated:31-12-2014.


Thiruvalluvar Aandu, 2045.


G.O.Ms.No.234, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 1-6-2009

G.O.Ms.No.123, Finance (PC) Department, daled: 10-4-2012


As per the provisions under Fundamental Rules 26 (a), the annual increments of the Government Servants are regulated in four quarters viz. 1% January. 1 April,1" July and 1' October. However, there is no provision in the Fundamental Rules to sanction annual increments in the case of the Government Servants who have rendered one full year of service and retires on superannuation on the last date of completion of one year and their increment due date falls on the next day of superannuation, As such an anomalous situation arises in the case of those Government Servants who retires on the 31" March. 30" June. 30* September and 31" December, as the case may be.inspite of the fact that they have compleled one full year of service which are countable for increment as per Fundamental Rules 26(a),(b).(bb).(c) and (d) as the case may be.and on the date of retirement.

2) The above issue was brought to the notice of Pay Grievance Redressal Cell constituted in the Government Order second read above by several Empioyees Association for due rectification. The Pay Grievance Redressal Cell, among others.has recommended that "when date of increment of a Government Servant falls due on the day following superannuation on completion of one full year of service, such service may be considered for the benefit of a notional increment purely for the purpose of pensionary benefits and not for any other purpose. Such concession may be made applicable prospectively".

3) After careful consideration, the Government have decided to accept the above recommendation of Pay Grievance Redressal Cell. Accordingly, the Government direct that a Government Servant whose increment falls due on the day following superannuation, on completion of one full year of service which are countable for increment under Fundamental Rules 26, be sanctioned with one notional increment at the rale as described under rule 6 of Tamil Nadu Revised Scales of Pay Rules, 2009,purely for the purpose of pensionery benefits and not for any other purpose. The above concession of sanction of notional increment shall take prospective effect from the date of issue of this order.

4) Necessary amendment to the Fundamental Rules shall be issued by Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department separately.





Fundamental Rules - Grant of notional increment to Government servants who retire on superannuation on the preceding day of due date for annual incrementAmendment to Fundamental Rules -Orders - issued.

Human Resources Management (FR.II) Department
Dated : 21.09.2021, G.O.(Ms) No.98

1. G.O.(Ms).No. 14, Personnel and Administrative
Reforms (FR-IV) Department, dated 31.01.2017

2. G.O.(Ms).No.303, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated 11.10.2017.

3. G.O.(Ms).No. 140, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated 25.04.2018.

The following notification will be published in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette:-


In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 read with Article 313 of the Constitution of India and of all other powers hereunto enabling,the Governor of Tamil Nadu hereby makes the following amendment to the Fundamental Rules.
2. The amendment hereby made shall be deemed to have come into force on the 31 December, 2014.


In the said Fundamental Rules, for rule 26-A, the following rule shall be substituted, namely :-

“26-A. The Government servant, who retires on or after the 31 December 2014 and whose increment falls due on the next day following the date of superannuation, in accordance with the provisions under rule 26, shall be sanctioned with one increment at the eligible rate, notionally on the afteroon of the date of retirement, purely for pensionary benefits only:
Provided that the Government Servant, who retired prior to 31st December 2014, is also eligible for sanction of annual increment notionally on the aftemoon of the date of retirement for the purpose of revision of pension with monetary benefit with effect from 31" December 2014. The rate of notional increment shall not exceed the eligible rate based on the basic pay drawn by the Goverment Servant as on the date of retirement."




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