>>> பதவி உயர்வு பெற்று ஓராண்டுக்குள் பணி ஓய்வு பெறும் ஆசிரியர் / அரசு ஊழியர்களுக்கு ஆண்டு ஊதிய உயர்வு வழங்குவது குறித்த தெளிவுரை - ஓய்வுபெறும் தருவாயில் பதவி உயர்வு பெற்ற அரசு ஊழியர்களுக்கு அடிப்படை விதிகள் 26(a) இன் 13 (ix) இன் படி, ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட காலாண்டில் உள்ள ஒரு அரசு ஊழியரின் ஊதிய உயர்வு, அவர் ஒரு வருட தகுதிச் சேவையை நிறைவு செய்யாத நிலையில், அவர் ஓய்வு பெற்றாலும், அந்த காலாண்டின் முதல் நாளில் வழங்கப்படலாம் - பணியாளர் நிர்வாக சீர்திருத்தத் துறை அரசு முதன்மைச் செயலாளரின் கடிதம் (Clarification on giving annual increment to Teachers / Government Employees who retire within one year of promotion - Ruling 13 (ix) is applicable only for the Government Servants who have been promoted on the verge of their retirement. As per this ruling 13 (ix) of Fundamental Rules 26(a), increment of a Government Servant which falls in a particular quarter may be advanced to the first day of that quarter even though he has not completed one year of qualifying service and retires / expires from service in the said quarter and not in the earlier quarter - Letter from Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department Secretary to Government)...
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Personnel and Administrative Reforms (FR-I) Department, Secretariat, Chennai — 600 009. ,
Letter No.784/FR-I/2019 - 1, dated 04.03.2019
Tmt.S. Swarna, I.A.S.,
Secretary to Government.
All Secretaries to Government, Chennai — 600 009.
All Departments of Secretariat, Chennai — 600 009.
All Heads of Departments including District Collectors / District Judges.
The Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Chennai — 600 003.
The Accountant General (I/II), Chennai — 600 018. The Accountant General, Chennai — 600 009/35.
The Director of Treasuries & Accounts, Chennai — 600 035.
The Pay and Accounts Officer. Secretariat, Chennai — 600 009.
The Pay and Accounts Officer (North/East/South), Chennai
The Registrar, High Court. Chennai — 600 104.
Sub: Fundamental Rules — Rulings 13 (ix) under Fundamental Rules 26 (a) as amended in G.O.Ms.No.148, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (FR-II) Department, dated 31.10.2018 — Clarification — Issued.
Ref: G.O.Ms.No.148, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (FR-II) Department, dated 31.10.2018.
In the Government Order cited, amendment has been issued to ruling 13 (ix) under Fundamental Rules 26 (a) that the increment of a Government Servant which falls due in a quarter may be sanctioned on the first day of that quarter even though he retires from services or expires prior to the actual date of accrual of increment.
2) In this connection, the following Clarification is issued to the Government Order cited above:-The above ruling 13 (ix) is applicable only for the Government Servants who have been promoted on the verge of their retirement. As per this ruling 13 (ix) of Fundamental Rules 26(a), increment of a Government Servant which falls in a particular quarter may be advanced to the first day of that quarter even though he has not completed one year of qualifying service and retires / expires from service in the said quarter and not in the earlier quarter.
Date of Promotion / appointment to higher post - 14 06 2015
First day of quarter of next annual increment - 01 04 2016
Date of completion of one year qualifying service - 14 06 2016
Date of superannuation / death - 30 04 2016
In the above said case, the individual has not completed one year qualifying service in the higher post and retired from service on 30.04.2016 due to superannuation / expired, as the case may be. However, he retired from the service / expired in the quarter in which the annual increment due falls. Hence, the annual increment is to be advanced to the first day of the quarter and sanctioned to the individual if he, otherwise. satisfies the provisions in Fundamental Rules 26.
3. I am, therefore, to request you to take action to eligible cases, as detailed above.
Yours faithfully,
for Secretary to Government.
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Personnel and Administrative Reforms (AR-II) Department, Secretariat, Chennai - 600 009 (for uploading in website).
All Officers/ All Sections in Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department. Chennai — 600 009.
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