

>>>Direct recruitment of Post Graduate Assistants for Government Higher Secondary Schools 2010-11 through Employment Registration Seniority - List of Candidates called for Certificate Verification

Teachers Recruitment Board
 College Road, Chennai-600006

Direct recruitment of Post Graduate Assistants for Government Higher Secondary Schools 2010-11 through Employment Registration Seniority.

The Teachers Recruitment Board is now releasing the details of the candidates who are called for the said certificate verification. The list is being released to help the right candidates, who are not in receipt of the intimation letter sent by the Board and also having their name in this list may attend the scheduled date at Teachers Recruitment Board by taking a printout from this website. This list is released based on the details received from the director of employment and Training. If any discrepancy found in list, All Queries / Clarifications relating to Employment Seniority and other issues may be got from the Director of Employment and Training, Guindy, Chennai-600 032. Ph: 22501002 / 22501006 / 22500911 / 22500900 Website: tnvelaivaaippu.gov.in
This list is being released to help the right candidates who are not in receipt of the C.V. call letter sent by this Board. The details of the candidates may be verified by giving their Employment number in the following format.
Example for Employment No: 1991F12345
The first 4 digit is the year of registration (1991) next is the sex of the candidate ie (Male/ Female) and the last number is a 5 digit number which was written in the Employment card, this should be 5 digit number, necessary zeros should be used as prefix if it is less than 5 digit.
Utmost care has been taken in preparing the list and in publishing them. Teachers Recruitment Board reserves the right to correct any errors that may have crept in. Incorrect list will not confer any right of enforcement.

Dated: 19-06-2012



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