

>>>TamilNadu Teachers Eligiblity Test 2012- Tentative Provisional List of Candidates and Individual Query

Tamil Nadu Teacher Eligibility Test (TNTET) – 2012
1. As per notification No.4/2012 dated 07.03.2012, Teachers Recruitment Board conducted Teacher Eligibility Test for Paper I and Paper-II on 12.07.2012. 2,88,588 candidates wrote exam for Paper-I and 3,88,175 candidates wrote exam for Paper-II. (Totally 6,76,763) The tentative answer keys was published on the website of the Teachers Recruitment Board and representations, objections etc. were invited from the candidates within one week. All the representations received within the stipulated time have been thoroughly examined by subject experts. After thorough scrutiny, a revised and final answer key has been arrived at and based on that, OMR answer sheets have been valued and provisional results of the written examination is published herein.
2. Candidates who have secured 60% marks and above are declared to have passed the Teacher Eligibility Test subject to the Certificate Verification and production of valid documents at the time of Certificate Verification. Dates for Certificate Verification will be announced shortly.
3. The Board on a sympathetic note, permitted candidates to carry out certain corrections for their mistakes in the application forms. But the same concession can not be extended in the answer sheets in a competitive examinations. Therefore, the Teachers Recruitment Board has resolved to deduct 5 marks for candidates who failed to indicate booklet series in the OMR answer sheets. For those candidates who failed to indicate their subject option in Paper II, the Board has resolved to deduct 3 marks those candidates who failed to indicate the correct language option, the Board resolved to deduct 2 marks. Candidates who took their original OMR answer sheets with them, their candidature has been cancelled and the Board has also directed to initiate departmental action against the Hall Invigilators for their negligent conduct. OMR Answer sheets of candidates who wrote different roll number other than the actual roll number allotted to them have not been valued and their candidatures have also been cancelled. Some candidates have written examination paper other than mentioned in their application form. Their OMR answer sheets are not evaluated and candidature cancelled. Board has also resolved to initiate departmental action against the concerned Hall invigilators. In some cases, the signatures in the OMR sheets do not match with the signatures in application form. candidature of such case, has been declared as invalid and the Board has also resolved that they will be debarred from writing any examination conducted by Teachers Recruitment Board for the next five years.
4. Many candidates had requested for correction in their name spellings. They were permitted to correct their name by following the prescribed procedures at the time of examination by submitting suitable documentary evidence. Candidates who have carried out correction in their names in the OMR answer sheets , but failed to submit documentary evidence, their request has not been considered in the absence of documentary evidence.
5. In HNUBR Girls Higher Secondary School, Nilakottai and Kikani Higher Secondary School, Coimbatore, the OMR answer sheet meant for Paper II was supplied for Paper-I. In HNUBR Girls Higher Secondary School, Nilakottai, Dindigul District the OMR answer sheet meant for Paper-I was supplied for Paper-II. The Board regrets for the mistake committed by the Hall Invigilators, but the appropriate action was taken to evaluate the Answer sheets correctly as per their question papers. Candidates are also requested to bring to the notice of the Board if they find any discrepancy, the Board undertakes to correct it.
Utmost care has been taken in preparing the list and in publishing them. Teachers Recruitment Board reserves the right to correct any errors that may have crept in. Incorrect list will not confer any right of enforcement.


உச்சநீதிமன்றத்தில் TET வழக்கு ஒத்திவைப்பு

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