

>>>SSLC October 2012 : Online application

Secondary School Leaving Certificate ( X STANDARD) Examination Oct 2012
Application for Private Candidates

    Procedure for for Online submission  

Last Date for Online Application Filing : 17-09-2012 @ 17:45 P.M

  1. Candidates should first go through the General Instructions hosted in this website for detailed instructions about their eligibility, and other requirements etc. Only those candidates who are eligible should apply online. 
  2. The online application process involves 4 important steps as follows :
      A. The Candidates who appeared for the SSLC Public Examination for the first time held in April 2012 under New Syllabus should select the option 'New Syllabus'. The Rest of the candidates appeared for the SSLC Public Examination held in Apr 2012 and Prior to April 2012 under old Syllabus should select the option 'Old Syllabus'.
      A.   Login and provide the basic alphanumeric Details viz. Candidates Name, Address, Previous Examination details, Papers applied for etc., and takes a print out of acknowledgment.
      B.   Take a print out of the personalised Online Chalan generated at the website, for making payment at the IOB Bank.
      C.   Upload scanned image of their passport size Photograph, by choosing appropriate option available at the menu. The Photograph uploaded should be of JPEG format with at least 150 DPI. The file size should not exceed 150 KB. Candidates should keep a studio print copy of the same image as it is required for future use.
      D.   After successful uploading of their Photograph, candidates should login with their Application No, and DOB, and take print out of the “Confirmation Copy” of their Online application.
  3. Besides, online submission of application, the candidates should take out a printout of the confirmation copy and affix the same photo in the confirmation copy of the application and get it attested by the Headmaster of the School where he last studied. This hard copy of the application including challan and attested Xerox copies of mark certificates of previous appearance should be submitted to the respective Regional Offices of the Regional Deputy Directorate of Government Examinations with necessary enclosures on or before 24.09.2012.
  4. Candidates have to sign at the last part of the “Confirmation copy” also after the declaration text.
  5. The signed and attested "Confirmation copy" along with the required enclosures as mentioned in the General instruction viz. attested mark statements of their previous appearances, Department copy of the bank Chalan etc, should be sent by Post (Registered / Speed) to the Concerned Regional Deputy Director of Government Examinations ( For address, Pl ref page 4 of General Instruction).
    The fees should be remitted in the name of the Director of Government Examinations, Chennai-6 through any Indian Overseas Bank (IOB) Branches only, where CBS (Core Banking Services) facility is available, using the personalised Online Chalan Generated by this Website
  7. Candidates can revisit the website to know the payment status of their Payment details after 48 hours of making payment at the work.
  8. For the convenience of the candidates, a quick checklist of the various process involved in the online application process is listed below for reference and use.
    Quick Checklist :
  1. Apply online with correct details and Take Printout of the Acknowledgemnt.
  2. Take Printout of Bank Payment Chalan.
  3. Upload scanned copy of passport size photograph.
  4. Take printout of your “Confirmation Copy” of the Application.
  5. Make payment of fees using the online Chalan at any IOB Bank.
  6. Send the signed Confirmation Copy, with photograph affixed and attested, with all enclosures along with the Department copy of Payment Chalan to the address specified by either Registered Post or SpeedPost.
Last Date for Online Application Filing : 17-09-2012 @ 17:45 P.M

 Click here to Proceed for Online Application for Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination


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