

>>>தமிழ்நாடு [TAMILNADU]....

Covering a total area of 130,058km sq, the state of Tamil Nadu is the eleventh largest state in India. Tamil Nadu shares its borders with Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Tamil Nadu is the seventh most populous state of India with population count of 72,138,958 people (2011 census).
Chennai (formerly known as Madras) is the state capital and the fourth largest city of India. The administrative units of Tamil Nadu constitutes 39 Lok Sabha constituencies, 234 Assembly constituencies, 32 districts, 10 city corporations, 125 municipalities, 529 town panchayats and 12,524 village panchayats.

AriyalurWest of Tamil Nadu1,949.31 square kilometres752481The least populated district.
ChennaiNorth of the state.178.2 sq km4,681,087,Smallest and Most populated district.
CoimbatoreWest of Tamil Nadu4,850 sq.km3472578District with highest GDP
CuddaloreEast of the state.3,564 sq km2600880Top Cashew nut producer in the state.
DharmapuriNorth of Tamil Nadu4497.77 Sq km1502900Hogenakal waterfall is located in the district
DindigulSouth West of Tamil Nadu6,058 sq km.2161367Popular tourist attraction Kodaikanal is situated here.
ErodeWest of the State5,692 Sq km22,59,608Leading producer of plantain, coconuts and white silk in Tamil Nadu.
KanchipuramNorth east of the state4,432 sq km39908972nd most populous district of Tamil Nadu.
KanniyakumariSouth of Tamil Nadu1,684 Sq Km1863174District with highest literacy in the state.
KarurCentral Tamil Nadu2901 sq.km10,76,588One of the rare districts where number of females is more than that of males.
KrishnagiriNorth of Tamil Nadu5143 sq km1883731The district is popular for mangoes.
MaduraiSouth of Tamil Nadu3,741.73 sq km3041038Sri Meenakshi Sundreshwarar Temple is situated in this district.
NagapattinamEast of the state2417 sq.km1614069One of the backward districts in Tamil Nadu
NamakkalNorth of Tamil Nadu130,058 sq km1721179Known for its poultry and dairy industries
NilgirisEast of Tamil Nadu2,452.5 sq km7350712nd least populous district in Tamil Nadu
PerambularCentral Tamil Nadu1,752 sq km564511Has the least number of taluks in the state along with Ariyalur district i.e. 3
PudukkottaiSouth east of Tamil Nadu4663 sq km1618725The number of Taluks in the district is 9
RamnathapuramSouth East of Tamil Nadu4123 sq km1337560The most populated district in the state.
SalemNorth Of Tamil Nadu5245 sq km3480008SAIL (Steel Authority of India Limited) is located in Salem.
SivagangaSouth of Tamil Nadu4,189 Sq km1341250Sivaganga has balanced sex ratio i.e 1000 females per 1000 males.
ThanjavurEast of the state3476 sq km2402781. It is the major rice producing district in the state.
Theni DistrictSouth west of Tamil Nadu2,889 sq km1243684The major industries in the district are Cotton Spinning Mills and Sugar Mills.
Thoothukodi DistrictSouth of Tamil Nadu4621 Sq km1738376Many popular freedom fighters of India hail from this district
TiruvarurWest of Tamil Nadu2161 sq km.1268094There are seven taluks in the district
TirunelveliSouth of Tamil Nadu6,823 Sq km3072880This district has maximum number of taluks in the state.
TiruchirappalliCentral Tamil Nadu4,404 sq km2713858Boiler manufacturing is the major industry in the district
TiruvallurNorth of Tamil Nadu3,422 Sq km3725697One of the rapidly developing districts
TiruppurWest of the state516.12 Sq km2471222Tiruppur Banian Industry, Cotton market, the famous Uthukklui butter are the popular industries
TiruvannamalaiNorth of Tamil Nadu6191 sq km3468965The district features in the list of 250 most backward districts in the country.
VelloreNorth of Tamil Nadu6077 sq km39281063rd most populous district of Tamil Nadu
VillupuramNorth of Tamil Nadu7217 sq km3463284The largest district in the state.
VirudhnagarSouth of Tamil Nadu3445.73. sq km1943309There are eight taluks in the district.


Local holiday declared for Pudukkottai district on March 10

புதுக்கோட்டை மாவட்டத்திற்கு மார்ச் 10 அன்று உள்ளூர் விடுமுறை அறிவிப்பு Local holiday declared for Pudukkottai district on March 10. புதுக்கோ...