

தமிழ்நாடு கால்நடை மருத்துவ அறிவியல் பல்கலைக்கழகத்தில் இளநிலை உதவியாளர்(75 இடங்கள்), தட்டச்சர்(87 இடங்கள்) பணிக்கு 10ஆம் வகுப்பு முடித்தவர்கள் விண்ணப்பிக்கலாம்...


தமிழ்நாடு கால்நடை மருத்துவ அறிவியல் பல்கலைக்கழகத்தில்  இளநிலை உதவியாளர்(75 இடங்கள்), தட்டச்சர்(87 இடங்கள்) பணிக்கு 10ஆம் வகுப்பு முடித்தவர்கள் விண்ணப்பிக்கலாம்...


Madhavaram Milk Colony, Chennai-600 051.

Advertisement No. 04/2020

Notification No. 1695/2020 Dated:23.11.2020

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates to fill up the following non-teaching posts by recruitment based on the marks obtained by the candidates  in the written examination followed by counselling in Tamil Nadu Veterinary and  Animal Sciences University. 

The number of posts, communal rotation, qualification(s) and scale of pay to  theposts as per TANUVAS Regulations / Service Rules are as follows:


No. Name of the Post

No. of Post(s)

Regular + Backlog

1. Junior Assistant 74 + 1

2. Typist 78+ 9

Total 152 +10

II. AGE LIMIT (as on 31.10.2020): 

Minimum : 18 years 

Maximum : OC - 30 Years, BC and BCM and MBC/DC - 32 Years; SC/ST- 35 Years 


1) Relaxation of rules to the candidates of Ex-Servicemen, Destitute  Widow and Disabled persons will also be applicable as per Tamil  Nadu Govt. norms and pending clarifications from the Government

2) The relaxation in age to the candidates (BC, BCM, MBC/DC, SC and ST only) for possessing higher qualifications is applicable to these posts as per Tamil Nadu Government norms).

3) The relaxation in age to the candidates those who are working permanent employee of TANUVAS and Casual Labourer who were recruited originally through Employment Exchange. 

III. Qualification and Scale of Pay (Pay Matrix)

(1) Junior Assistant - Rs.19,500-62,400/- (Pay Matrix Level-8)

Pass in HSC or any other qualification recognized equivalent thereto.

(2) Typist - Rs.19,500-62,400/- (Pay Matrix Level-8)

i) Minimum General Educational Qualification viz. must have passed SSLC Public Examination or its equivalent with eligibility for admission to Higher Secondary Courses of studies or to College Courses of studies.

ii) (a) Typewriting English and Tamil Higher (or)

(b) Typewriting English Lower and Tamil Higher (or)

(c) Typewriting English Higher and Tamil Lower


Item (b) will be recruited if item (a) is not available and item (c) will be 

recruited if item (a) and (b) are not available.


 Certificate course in “Computer on Office Automation” awarded by the 

Directorate of Technical Education is essential.

i) “Candidates who do not possess the Computer on Office Automation qualification awarded by Technical Education Department may also apply. If selected, they should acquire such qualification within the period of their probation. The probation will be declared in their cases only after getting a pass in the said Certificate course. Otherwise, they will be dealt with as per the provision under General Rule 27 of Tamil Nadu State and Subordinate services”.

ii) Those who possess Degree or Diploma in Computer Science or Computer Engineering as one of the subjects approved by the University Grants Commission / All India Council for Technical Education / Directorate of Technical Education or an equivalent body may be exempted from passing the “Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation” conducted by the Directorate of Technical Education.

The candidates are informed to apply the posts now called for through online in the webportal, “tanuvas1.ucanapply.com” only. Application form(s) sent in any other modes will not be considered.

The prescribed registration fee for the candidates belong to MBC/DC, BC, BCM and OC is Rs.500/- (Rupees Five hundred only) and Rs.250/- (Rupees Two hundred and fifty only) in case of SC/ST candidates. The candidates irrespective of communities from other States/Union Territories will be treated under “OC” category only and registration fee is 

Rs.500/- (Rupees Five hundred only).

The details of qualification(s) and scale of pay (Pay Matrix) are as per TANUVAS Regulations / Service Rules, etc. The cut-off date for age, qualification(s) and technical qualification(s) is 31.10.2020.

The last date for submitting the application(s) online in the webportal 

(tanuvas1.ucanapply.com) is on 22.12.2020 up to 05.00 p.m.

Note: i) The applicants who possess Diploma/UG/PG degrees through Open University System after passing the SSLC and HSC Examinations / basic Degree alone will be considered as possessing a UG/PG degree as per GO.Ms.No.107, P&AR (M) Dept.dt.18.8.2009 for claiming age relaxation.

ii) Mere submitting of application will not confer any right of getting appointment in TANUVAS.

iii) The University reserves the right to fill up (or) modify (or) not to fill up the posts advertised without assigning any reason whatsoever.

Any queries/clarifications on filling the application / technical issues shall be addressed only to recruitment@tanuvas.org.in and no other means in this regard will be entertained.

For updates on the recruitment process, keep looking thewebportal (tanuvas1.ucanapply.com) / website of the University (www.tanuvas.ac.in)

Date : 23.11.2020                           Registrar

Place : Chennai - 51.                     TANUVAS


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