

>>>Key Answer for Paper II of Tamil Nadu Teacher Eligiblity Test - 2012

Teachers Recruitment Board
 College Road, Chennai-600006

Key Answer for Paper II of
 Tamil Nadu Teacher Eligibility Test 2012

Tentative answer key for the Paper II of Teacher Eligibility Test conducted on 12.7.2012 is uploaded for information of the candidates.  Candidates are advised to go through it carefully and submit their specific objections, if any, along with evidence to the Teachers Recruitment Board on or before 30th of July 2012 for consideration, without fail.  Objections submitted thereafter won’t be  considered.


CM Formed Minister's Committee to consider the demands of various Tamil Nadu Government Officer Associations and find appropriate decisions on them

பல்வேறு தமிழ்நாடு அரசு அலுவலர் சங்கங்களின் கோரிக்கைகளை பரிசீலித்து அவற்றின் மீது உரிய முடிவுகளை காணும் பொருட்டு முதலமைச்சர் அவர்கள் அமைச்சர்...