

>>>15th September 2012 - All India Flag Day for Blind - Collection of Funds in Schools and Colleges

As Per School Education G.O.(RT).No:206, Dated:28-08-2012,  Government Permit  the National Association for Blind to raise funds through sale of Flags through Hundi Boxes from the Students and Staff of Schools and Colleges in Connection with the Observance of All India Flag Day for the Blind on 15th September 2012.


04-02-2025 - School Morning Prayer Activities

   பள்ளி காலை வழிபாட்டுச் செயல்பாடுகள் 04-02-2025 - School Morning Prayer Activities திருக்குறள்: பால்: பொருட்பால் அதிகாரம்: மானம் குறள்...