

>>>SET 2012 - Answer Key

The SET 2012 answer key is hereby released for the paper - I (common for all subjects). In order to conduct the SET2012 exam in a systematic way, the booklets have been shuffled with different questions and answers.
Hence, the candidates who have taken the SET 2012 exams are advised to verify their respective answer keys as follows for Paper-I.
Candidates whose OMR sheets ending with the digits 1 or 6 are advised to verify the answer keys in ‘A’ Set of kets.
Similarly OMR sheets ending with the digits
2 or 7 ‘B’Set ,
3 or 8 candidates with ‘C’ Set,
4 or 9 candidates with ‘D’ Set and
5 or 0 candidates with ‘E’ set.
  • OMR Ends with Digit 1 or 6 -> A - SET
  • OMR Ends with Digit 2 or 7 -> B - SET
  • OMR Ends with Digit 3 or 8 -> C - SET
  • OMR Ends with Digit 4 or 9 -> D - SET
  • OMR Ends with Digit 5 or 0 -> E - SET
Subject Code Subject Paper 2 Paper 3
1 Chemical Sciences
2 Commerce
3 Computer Science and Application
4 Economics
5 Education
6 Electronics
7 English
8 Geography
9 Hindi
10 History
11 Home Science
12 Journalism & Mass Communication
13 Law
14 Library and Information Science
15 Life Sciences
16 Management
17 Mathematical Science
18 Music
19 Philosophy
20 Physical Education
21 Physical Sciences
22 Political Sciences
23 Psycology
24 Public Administration
25 Social Work
26 Sociology
27 Tamil


Work bookல் உள்ள தொகுத்தறி மதிப்பீடு (SA) எழுத உத்தேச Time Table

  Work bookல் உள்ள  தொகுத்தறி மதிப்பீடு (Summative Assessment) எழுத உத்தேச Time Table வணக்கம். மதிப்பிற்குரிய HMs & Teachers, Work bookல...