

>>>Tamil Nadu Teachers Eligiblity Test Supplementary Examination - Oct 2012 - Results - Candidates Individual Query

Teachers Recruitment Board
 College Road, Chennai-600006
Tamil Nadu Teacher Eligibility Supplementary Test  – 2012
    1. As per the Government direction, Teachers Recruitment Board conducted Teacher Eligibility Supplementary Examination for Paper-I and Paper-II on 14.10.2012. 2,78,725 candidates wrote exam for Paper I and 3,77,973 candidates wrote exam for Paper-II (Totally 6,56,698). The tentative answer keys were published on the website of the Teachers Recruitment Board and representations, objections etc. were invited from the candidates within one week. All the representations received within the stipulated time have been thoroughly examined by subject experts. After thorough scrutiny, a revised and final answer key has been arrived at and based on that, OMR answer sheets have been valued and provisional results of the written examination is published herein. 10397 candidates for Paper I and 8849 candidates for Paper II have scored 60% and above.
    2. During the computerized scanning of OMR answer sheets of the candidates, it was found quite a large number of candidates committed mistakes in marking/shading certain essentially required details for valuation in the OMR sheets. The candidates who have not marked question paper serial code in their OMR answer sheets their answer sheets could not be evaluated and hence rejected. For those who have written the serial code but not shaded or multiple shaded, written serial code alone has been considered. Those Candidates who have not written or shaded the language option in their OMR sheets, evaluation was done as per their option given in the application form. Candidates who have written and not shaded or multiple shaded their language option, written alone has been considered for evaluation. Candidates who have neither written nor shaded or multiple shaded their subject option in Paper II, OMR answer sheets are evaluated as per the option given in their application form. Candidates who have written their subject option in Paper II but multiple shaded or did not shade, written option alone has been considered for evaluation. In the case of candidates who have wrongly shaded/not shaded the Roll Numbers and using old Roll Number, the OMR answer sheets of those candidates were evaluated as per the actual Roll Number allotted to them for TNTET supplementary Examination 2012.
    3. Candidates who have scored 60% marks and above are being called for Certificate verification and are requested to produce valid documents at the time of Certificate Verification. The certificate verification begins from 6th November 2012 in all 32 Revenue District Headquarters.
    4. Candidates are advised to download the Certificate Verification letters and attend the Certificate Verification as per the schedule given therein. Call letters will not be sent through Post.
    5. Candidates are advised to go through the instructions given in the website, download the forms and bring all the original certificates along with two sets of Attested Xerox copies of certificates as per the Check list enclosed.
    6. Candidates called for Certificate Verification for Paper I (Secondary Grade Teachers) are advised, in addition to certificates, to bring the updated renewed original employment card along with two sets of xerox copies of the employment card duly attested by the concerned District Employment Officer without fail. The Directorate of Employment and Training have issued suitable instructions to the District Employment Officers in this regard.
    7. Utmost care has been taken in preparing the list and in publishing them. Teachers Recruitment Board reserves the right to correct any errors that may have crept in. Incorrect list will not confer any right of enforcement.


Dated: 02-11-2012

>>>Tamil Nadu Teachers Eligiblity Test Supplementary Examination - Oct 2012 - Results - Candidates Individual Query  


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