

Ennum Ezhuthum CRC Training Schedule & Guidelines - Date : 4th March 2023...

>>> Ennum Ezhuthum CRC Training Schedule & Guidelines - Date : 4th March 2023...

Resource to be used: PPT Link: 1-3CRC_March2023_Sessions1-3_TamilEnglishMath.pptx


State and District Level Attendance: Click on this google form for attendance: 

1. State Level : https://forms.gle/rdsZzz7zpy1zw9Ej7 

2. District Level : https://forms.gle/ymvpjgXRphs8VjNN7

CRC Meeting Attendance: 

● Cluster Facilitator must watch this demo video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19Ty87UfuN3GO65oHZRfuVp4Hq5Ki2hbV/view?usp= sharing

● Facilitator must guide every Teacher in the room to mark their attendance in the TNSED Application as shown in the demo video.

Session 1: 

Learning Outcomes in Tamil Duration: 

60 minutes 

PPT: 1-3CRC_March2023_Sessions1-3_TamilEnglishMath.pptx Slides 1-28

Session 2 - 

Learning Outcomes in English Duration: 60 minutes 

PPT: 1-3CRC_March2023_Sessions1-3_TamilEnglishMath.pptx Slides 29-53 

Time : 11:15 am - 12:15 pm

● Facilitator will use the ppt given, follow it step-by-step and facilitate the session for the participants.

Session 3 - 

Learning Outcomes in Mathematics 

Duration: 60 minutes 

PPT: 1-3CRC_March2023_Sessions1-3_TamilEnglishMath.pptx Slides 54-72

Session 4 - 

Subject-wise Discussion on Learning Outcomes Duration: 90 minutes Time: 02:00 pm to 03:30 pm

● Participants will be divided into different groups for subjects. 

● Participants will receive subject-wise learning outcomes from the facilitators. 

● They will then identify the activities for the outcomes. 

● Once the activities are identified, participants will discuss in their groups and create 2-3 activities for the same learning outcome.

Session 5 - 

Team Presentation of Learning Outcomes Duration: 45 minutes Time: 03:45 pm to 04:30 pm

● The teams will present the subject-wise learning outcomes discussed in Session 4. 

● Each team can take 5-7 minutes to present their learning outcomes. 

● Each presentation will be followed by feedback from the facilitator. Main points for feedback: Is it an output or outcome?

Is it aligned with the activity?

Feedback and Quiz Duration: 30 minutes Time: 04:30 pm to 05:00 pm

State-level training Feedback and Quiz: https://forms.gle/gTMcNpkHnhVqeh8P6 District-level training Feedback and Quiz: https://forms.gle/vJGyK8q9hvG4266Y6

Teacher Survey for Ennum Ezhuthum 2023-2024(to be used only for crc): https://forms.gle/Eu2j9D2uk9RRE8X86

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