

General Elections to Lok Sabha, 2024 - Sanction of honorarium to the officers and staff in districts for having attended strenuous election work - Chief Electoral Officer Letter, Dated: 10.09.2024...


மக்களவைக்கான பொதுத் தேர்தல்கள், 2024 - தேர்தல் பணிகளில் கலந்து கொண்டதற்காக மாவட்டங்களில் உள்ள அலுவலர்கள் மற்றும் பணியாளர்களுக்கு மதிப்பூதியம் - தலைமைத் தேர்தல் அலுவலர் & அரசு முதன்மைச் செயலர் கடிதம் எண்.15950/2024-3, நாள் : 10.09.2024...

General Elections to Lok Sabha, 2024 - Sanction of honorarium to the officers and staff in districts for having attended strenuous election work -Requirement of funds - Called for - Chief Electoral Officer & Principal Secretary to Government Letter No.15950/2024-3, Dated: 10.09.2024...



e-mail / Letter No.15950/2024-3, Dated: 10.09.2024.


Thiru Satyabrata Sahoo, I.A.S.,

Chief Electoral Officer &

Principal Secretary to Government.


All District Election Officers (w.e.)

Sir / Madam,

Sub: Elections - General Elections to Lok Sabha, 2024 - Sanction of honorarium to the officers and staff in districts for having attended strenuous election work -Requirement of funds -Called for.


I am directed to state that the proposal for sanction of honorarium to the officers and staff who have attended election work is now under consideration of the Government, in connection with the General Elcctions to Lok Sabha, 2024.

2. I am, therefore, to state that the details of basic pay as on 01.05.2024, for the categories of officers / staff members in your district as indicated in the Annexure, during the General Elections

Lok Sabha, 2024 required for sanction of honorarium are as follows:-

Officers & Staff members in the districts

i) District Returning Officers / Returning Officers of Parliamentary Constituencies / Assistant Returning Officers Parliamentary Constituencies District Revenue Officer(Elections)/ Personal Assistants(Elections) to Collectors / Special Tahsildars (Elections)

one month basic pay, subject to the maximum Rs.33,000/- (whichever less)

ii) Commissioners of Corporations / District Revenue Officers / Deputy Tahsildars (Elections) / Zonal Officers / Liaison Officers for Observers

one month basic pay, subject to the maximum Rs.33,000/- (whichever less)

>>> Click Here to Download Chief Electoral Officer & Principal Secretary to Government Letter No.15950/2024-3, Dated: 10.09.2024...


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