

Revised Dates and Venues of State Level Kalai Thiruvizha Competitions - State Project Director's letter dated : 20-11-2024


மாற்றியமைக்கப்பட்ட மாநில அளவிலான கலைத்திருவிழா போட்டிகளின் தேதிகள் மற்றும் இடங்கள் - மாநிலத் திட்ட இயக்குநரின் கடிதம், நாள் : 20-11-2024...

Revised Dates and Venues of State Level Kalai Thiruvizha Competitions - State Project Director's letter dated : 20-11-2024

>>> தரவிறக்கம் செய்ய இங்கே சொடுக்கவும்...

Tamil Nadu State Mission of Education for AII


State Project Director,

Samagra Shiksha

Chennai -600006.


The Chief Educational Officer(s)

All Districts.

Rc.No.2183/B8/KT/SS/2024, dated: 20.11.2024


Sub: School Education - 2024-25 - Kalaithiruvizha - State level competitions - Dates for conduct of the competitions - regarding.

Ref: State Project Director Letter Rc.No.2183/B8/KT/SS/ 2024, dated:13.11.2024


Owing to the conduct of the National Achievement Survey (NAS) on 04.12.2024 across the state, it is stated that the Kalaithiruvizha state level competitions shall be conducted in the following dates as mentioned in the table below:

Category.   District.  Revised Date.  

1&2.    Coimbatore.     05.12.24

3 to 5.    Coimbatore.     06.12.24

6 to 8.      Thiruppur.      06.12.24

9&10.        Erode.          05.12.24 &06.12.24

11&12.       Namakkal.      05.12.24 &06.12.24

The CEOs are requested to follow the guidelines mentioned in the reference letter without fail and ensure that the winners in the district level competitions pertaining to your district participate in the state level competitions in the districts and the dates as specified above.

The CEOs of the four districts where the state level' competitions is to be conducted shall communicate the details of the venue and dates where the competitions are planned to be conducted and assign required point of contact to ensure smooth coordination with all the districts."

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