
FOSS லேபிளைக் கொண்ட இடுகைகளைக் காட்டுகிறது

FOSS - Free and Open Source Software - Training Module...

  FOSS - Free and Open Source Software - Training Module... >>> Click Here to Download FOSS - Free and Open Source Software - Training Module... Introduction to FOSS: (Free and open-source software) Free Open Source Software (FOSS), sometimes also called just Open Source or Free Software, is software that is licensed to be free to use, modify, and distribute. Most FOSS licenses also include a kind of legal Golden Rule that requires any changes, such as fixes and enhancements, to be released under the same license. This creates the all important trust in developers and users that generates large, sustainable communities that continue to grow the software capability over time Open Source Software Now as we know what free is, we need to know about what does Open Source Software mean. Software is considered to be Open Source when its source code is available to the public and anyone can have access to it, view it, modify it or use it. There are times when people get confused with
