

பேரூராட்சிகளில் (நகர பஞ்சாயத்துகளில்) தெருவிளக்கு அமைப்பு, நீர் வழங்கல் அமைப்பு, பாதாள சாக்கடை அமைப்பு மற்றும் திடக்கழிவு மேலாண்மை செயல்பாடுகளுக்கு - ஒப்பந்த அடிப்படையில் தனியார் சேவை வழங்குநர்/ ஒப்பந்ததாரர்/ ஏஜென்சிகளுக்கு அனுமதி - அரசாணை (G.O.(Ms) No.139 Dated: 03.10.2022) வெளியீடு (Town Panchayats Implementation of Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 in Town Panchayats - Maintenance of Street Light System- Water Supply System - Underground Sewerage System through Service Provider/ Agency/Contractor based on Key performance indicators orders - Issued)...

>>> பேரூராட்சிகளில் (நகர பஞ்சாயத்துகளில்) தெருவிளக்கு அமைப்பு, நீர் வழங்கல் அமைப்பு, பாதாள சாக்கடை அமைப்பு மற்றும் திடக்கழிவு மேலாண்மை செயல்பாடுகளுக்கு - ஒப்பந்த அடிப்படையில் தனியார் சேவை வழங்குநர்/ ஒப்பந்ததாரர்/ ஏஜென்சிகளுக்கு அனுமதி - அரசாணை (G.O.(Ms) No.139 Dated: 03.10.2022) வெளியீடு (Town Panchayats Implementation of Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016  in Town Panchayats - Maintenance of Street Light System- Water  Supply System - Underground Sewerage System through Service Provider/  Agency/Contractor based on Key performance indicators orders - Issued)...

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Municipal Administration and Water Supply (TP.1) Department G.O.(Ms) No.139 Dated: 03.10.2022

Ref: 1. G.O. (Ms) No.205, Rural Development Department,  Dated 23.03.1989. 

2. G.O. (Ms) No.72, Municipal Administration And Water  Supply (TP.1) Department, Dated 05.05.1998. 

3. G.O. (Ms) No.198, Municipal Administration and Water  Supply (ME.3) Department, Dated 26.10.1998. 

4. G.O. (Ms) No.199, Municipal administration and water  supply (TP.2) Department, Dated 12.08.1997. 

5. G.O. (Ms) No.242, Municipal Administration and Water  Supply (TP.1) Department, Dated 10.12.2009. 

6. G.O. (Ms) No.111, Municipal Administration and Water  Supply (ME.3) Department, Dated 17.08.2022. 

7. G.O. (Ms) No.112, Municipal Administration and Water  Supply (ME.3) Department, Dated 17.08.2022. 

8. G.O. (Ms) No.113, Municipal Administration and Water  Supply (ME.3) Department, Dated 17.08.2022. 

9. G.O. (Ms) No.116, Municipal Administration and Water  Supply (ME.3) Department, Dated 24.08.2022. 

Read also:-

10. From the Commissioner of Town Panchayats letter Na.Ka.No. 13908/2022/A4, dated. 29.08.2022.

The Government after careful examination of the proposal of the  Commissioner of Town Panchayats, hereby orders as follows: 

i. To permit the Commissioner of Town Panchayats to accord permissioon  to the Executive Officers of Town Panchayats to engage Private Service  Provider / Contractor / Agency to operate and maintain the Street  Light System, Water Supply System, Underground Sewerage System  and Solid Waste Management activities on contract basis for a period  of three years following the Tamil Nadu Tender Transparency Act, 1998  and Rule, 2000. 

ii. To engage Private Service Provider/ Contractor / Agency to operate  and maintain the Street Light System, Water  Underground Sewerage System and Solid Waste Management activities on contract basis based on the Key performance index. 

iii. To  permit to follow the lowest rate among the Schedule of Rates of  Public Works Department or Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage  Board or District Collector to prepare estimate and to ascertain the  cost need to incur towards Private Service Provider/Contractor/Agency  on contract basis for operation and maintenance of Street Light  System, Water Supply System, Underground Sewerage System and  Solid Waste Management activities in Town Panchayats. 

iv.  To Permit to incur the said expenditure from Revenue Fund of  Town Panchayats.


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