

NHIS - Reimbursement of medical claims pertaining to the treatment - To be placed in DLEC on or before 14.02.2025


NHIS - 01.07.2023 முதல் 30.06.2024 வரை மருத்துவச் சிகிச்சை மேற்கொண்ட பணியாளர்கள் / ஓய்வூதியர்கள், தங்களது செலவினத் தொகையை மீளப்பெற 14.02.2025க்குள் விண்ணப்பிக்க வேண்டுமென கருவூலம் மற்றும் கணக்குத் துறை காலக்கெடு நிர்ணயித்து உத்தரவு

New Health Insurance Scheme for Employees and Pensioners Reimbursement of medical claims pertaining to the treatment period 01.07.2023 to 30.06.2024 through District Level Empowered committee - To be placed in DLEC on or before 14.02.2025

>>> கருவூலம் மற்றும் கணக்குகள் துறை கடிதம் - தரவிறக்கம் செய்ய இங்கே சொடுக்கவும்...




Commissioner of Treasuries and Accounts


3rd Floor, Perasiriyar K.Anbazhagan Maaligai

No.571, Anna Salai,

Nandanam, Chennai-35


All District Collectors

Rc.No. 526 /NHIS-2/2024 Dated: 23-01-2025


Sub: New Health Insurance Scheme for Employees and Pensioners Reimbursement of medical claims pertaining to the treatment period 01.07.2023 to 30.06.2024 through District Level Empowered committee - To be placed in DLEC on or before 14.02.2025


Ref: 1.

G.O.Ms.(No).160, Finance(Salaries) Department, Dated:29.06.2021 

G.O.Ms.No.204, Finance (Health Insurance) Department, dated 30.06.2022

United India Insurance Company Limited, Chennai letter No.010600/Health / 2106 / 2024 dated 21.6.2024

Commissioner of Treasuries and Accounts, Chennai 35 letter Rc.No.526/NHIS-2/2024 dated 27.6.2024 addressed to the Government

The Government Letter No.29735/Finance (HI-2)/2023-2 dated 14.7.2024

Commissioner of Treasuries and Accounts, Chennai 35 letter Rc.No.526/NHIS-2/2024 dated 19.7.2024

I invite the kind attention to the references cited In the reference 6th cited, communication has been sent to all the District Collectors/ Treasury officers/ Pension Pay Officers / All Organisations /Director of Medical and Rural Health Services and Director of Medical Education (for providing TNMAR) to place the medical reimbursement claims pertaining to the treatment period from 01.07.2023 to 30.06.2024 in Dictrict Level Empowered Committee on or before 14.02.2025.

As mentioned in the reference 6 th cited, the cut-off date for forwarding the reimbursement claims to United India Insurance Company by the PPO/TOs/Head Office / Head of Organizations was 20.09.2024 and time has lapsed. In this connection, it is requested to place all the reimbursement claim documents for admissions from 01.07.2023 to 30.06.2024 in District Level Empowered Committee on or before 14.02.2025.

Hence, all the District Collectors are requested to give top priority this subject matter and issue necessary instructions to the Joint Director of Health Services / Treasury Officers to place all pending cases before the District Level Empowered Committee on or before 14.02.2025 and send the committee recommendations (for each case) to United India Insurance Company Limited / Commissioner of Treasuries and Accounts or concerned Head of Departments for settling reimbursement of medical claims to the individuals / petitioners without any delay.

This may be treated as most urgent.


Commissioner of Treasuries and Accounts (FAC)


submitted to

The Principal Secretary to Government Finance (Health Insurance) Department Secretariat, Chennai 600 009

Copy to:

The Director of Medical and Rural Health Services, Chennai-06... With a

equest to issue suitable instructions to all Dleaith Servicacl to fave

necessary action.

The Director of Medical Education, Chennai-10... With a request to address

the Dean, Medical Colleges to provide TNMAR rate for cases recommended by

DLEC immediately.

The Pay and Accounts Officers- To communicate the cut off date to the DDOs

and inform the fact to CTA.

All RJDs- To take follow up action.

Pension Pay Officer, Chennai / All Treasury Officers... TO communicate the cut

off date to the DDOs/ Pensioners and to take necessary action to place the

pending cases in DLEC before 14.02.2025.

//Forwarded by order//

>>> கருவூலம் மற்றும் கணக்குகள் துறை கடிதம் - தரவிறக்கம் செய்ய இங்கே சொடுக்கவும்...


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