

B.Sc., Agri படிப்பிற்கான விண்ணப்பம் 08.09.2021 முதல் ஆரம்பம் (Tamil Nadu Agricultural University UG Admission 2021 Notification)...

B.Sc., Agri படிப்பிற்கான விண்ணப்பம் 08.09.2021 முதல் ஆரம்பம் (Tamil Nadu Agricultural University UG Admission 2021 Notification)...

"Tamil Nadu Agricultural University UG admission will commence on 8th September , 2021 

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University offers eleven undergraduate degree programmes through 14 constituent and 28 affiliated colleges.  

The online applications for admissions to undergraduate degree programmes for the current academic year , 2021-22 will open on sch September ( Wednesday ) 2021. As per government direction a new initiative from this year onwards , Agriculture and Horticulture degree programmes are to be offered in Tamil Medium also at Agricultural College and Research Institute and Horticultural College and Research Institute , Coimbatore. 

Dr. M. Kalyanasundaram , Dean ( Agriculture ) and Chairman Admissions Committee informed that , the Government of Tamil Nadu have also announced during the budget section to start one Horticultural College at Jeenur in Krishnagiri District and three Agricultural Colleges at Karur District , Keezhvelur in Nagapattinam District and Chettinad in Sivagangai District as Constituent colleges of TNAU during the academic year 2021-22 itself


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   பள்ளி காலை வழிபாட்டுச் செயல்பாடுகள் 01-04-2025 - School Morning Prayer Activities திருக்குறள்: பால்: பொருட்பால் இயல்:குடியியல் அதிகார...