>>> 4000 உதவி பேராசிரியர்கள் பணியிடங்களை நிரப்ப தமிழ்நாடு அரசு உத்தரவு - அரசாணை (நிலை) எண்: 248, நாள்: 08-11-2022 (G.O.(Ms) No.248 , Higher Education (F2) Department, Dated: 08.11.2022 - Higher Education Department - Tamil Nadu Collegiate Educational Service - Filling up the vacant posts of Assistant Professor in Government Arts and Science Colleges and Colleges of Education by Direct Recruitment - Recruitment of 4000 posts of Assistant Professors - Permission granted)...
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Higher Education Department - Tamil Nadu Collegiate Educational Service - Filling up the vacant posts of Assistant Professor in Government Arts and Science Colleges and Colleges of Education by Direct Recruitment - Recruitment of 4000 posts of Assistant Professors - Permission granted - Orders - Issued.
G.O.(Ms) No.248 , Higher Education (F2) Department, Dated: 08.11.2022
Read :-
1. G.O.(Ms) No.412, Higher Education (F2) Department, dated 07.12.2009.
2. G.O.(Ms) No.32, Higher Education (F2) Department, dated 08.03.2013
3 Teachers Recruitment Board Notification No. 12/2019, dated 28.08.2019 and 04.10.2019.
4. G.O.(Ms).No.382, Finance (CMPC) Department, dated 24.10.2020.
5. Minutes of the meeting under the Chairmanship of the Hon'ble Chief Minister.
6. From the Director of Collegiate Education, letter Rc. No. 11734/ D5 / 2022-2, Dated 02.09.2022.
7. G.O.(Ms.)No.246,Higher Education (F2) Department, dated 08.11.2022.
8. G.O.(Ms.)No.247, Higher Education (F2) Department, dated 08.11.2022.
Following the methods prescribed in the Government Orders first and second read above, the Teachers Recruitment Board, vide its Notification third read above, invited applications to fill up 2331 vacancies in the post of Assistant Professors in Government Arts and Science Colleges and Colleges of Education, which fell vacant from the years 2012-2013 to 2016-2017, including backlog and shortfall vacancies.