ஊதியப் பட்டியலை கருவூலத்தில் ஒப்படைக்கும் நடைமுறை முடிவுக்கு வருகிறது - கருவூலம் மற்றும் கணக்குகள் துறை இயக்குநரின் கடிதம், நாள் : 24-02-2025
ஊதியப் பட்டியலை கருவூலத்தில் ஒப்படைக்கும் நடைமுறையில் (Physical salary vouchers) மாற்றம். Online salary bill system நடைமுறைக்கு வருகிறது - கருவூலம் மற்றும் கணக்குகள் துறை இயக்குநரின் கடிதம், நாள் : 24-02-2025
Change in the process of handing over the pay bill to the treasury (Physical salary vouchers). Online salary bill system coming into effect - Letter from Director of Treasuries and Accounts Department, dated : 24-02-2025
>>> தரவிறக்கம் செய்ய இங்கே சொடுக்கவும்...
Tmt. T.Charusree, I.A.S.,
Director of Treasuries and Accounts,
3rd Floor, Perasiriyar K.Anbazhagan Maaligai,
571, Anna Salai,
Nandanam, Chennai-600 035.
All Pay and Accounts Officers
All Treasury Officers
Rc.No.1243239/E1/2025-2, Dated: 24.02.2025
Sir / Madam,
Sub: Accounts - Treasuries and Accounts Department - Kalanjiyam (IFHRMS 2.0) - Digital Audit and Accounting System (DAAS) Portal - Implementation of DAAS - Dispensing of Physical Salary Vouchers - Concurrence given by Accountant General - Decisions have been taken to incorporate the procedures of Dispensing Physical Vouchers and the DDOs of all Departments are requested for submission of online Salary Bills before 2 Working of Salary due date - Intimation to Government - Regarding.
Ref: 1. The Principal Accountant General (A&E), Tamil Nadu, Chennai D.O.Lr No. AG(A&E)/TM/III/2024-25 Dated: 29.01.2025.
2. This office even number letter dated: 24.02.2025.
I invite kind attention to the reference cited. (Copy enclosed)
The integrated Financial and Human Resources Management System(IFHRMS) was implemented from January 2020 and all the Bills and Challans are processed through IFHRMS.
The Monthly Accounts are being compiled in IFHRMS and sent to AG as e-Data through SFTP since January 2020 and district wise monthly accounts with physical vouchers are also being sent to Accountant General by concerned Pay and Accounts Offices and District Treasuries.
Now a new auditing tool Digital Audit and Accounting system (DAAS) has been developed for AG to audit all the vouchers and sub-vouchers online. This tool enables Accountant General to view the vouchers and its attachments online.
Therefore, in the reference cited, the Accountant General has agreed to dispense with submission of physical vouchers for salary with effect from 01.02.2025.
In view of the above, following proposals have been suggested after detailed discussions with Subordinates / District Officials of this department.
1. Dispense with submission of physical salary vouchers to District Treasuries/Pay and Accounts Offices with effect from 01.03.2025 for salary bills.
2. Status-quo to be maintained for February 2025 and physical salary vouchers to be received and retained at Concerned District Treasury / Sub Treasury.